Thursday, February 10, 2005

Word Games, Anyone?

Presumably riffing on or at least harmonizing with George Lakoff's Don't Think of an Elephant, Professor David Green of Hofstra has come up with a great idea for dialect enhancement. Most of us have likely acclimated by now to the term "progressive." But adopting "regressive" as the standard label for those other folks seems truly inspired.

As Green puts it, in a clip from "What's in a Name? Everything" posted at CommonDreams:

'Regressive', as in: "We don't want to regress back to consigning our elderly to a life of poverty." Or, as in: "We oppose returning to back-alley abortions." Or: "We believe in moving the civil rights agenda forward, not backward." Or, "The regressive right is taking us back to a polarization of wealth not seen since the Gilded Age." And so on.

I like it! Now all we need is a few quick chain-letters to get the word in wide circulation.


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