Saturday, May 28, 2005

Frist's Unpleasant Checkup

I highly recommend Arianna Huffington's new blog for the routinely high caliber of writing.

Just a sampler:

Dr. Frist Gets a Scary Diagnosis

During our taping of Left, Right, and Center Friday morning, Tony Blankley (he represents the “Right” part of the equation) made a pronouncement that should send chills down Bill Frist’s spine. Tony not only oversees the editorial page of the Washington Times, and is a regular on The McLaughlin Group -- he is the insiders’ insider when it comes to conservative Washington, having, among other things, served as Newt Gingrich’s press secretary and as a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan. On top of all this, he speaks with a British accent that lends gravitas to everything he says (his coffee orders sound positively Churchillian).

Anyway, here is what he said when asked about the latest delay in the Bolton nomination:

Well, let me talk briefly about the politics of it, cause that to me is the bigger issue, which is that Senator Frist lost control of the floor of the Senate for the second time this week, miscounting the number of votes he had. This is a huge event in Washington and in the Senate. In the 7 years I worked for Newt, when he was both whip and when he was the Speaker of the House, I only saw a party lose control of the floor once -- in the summer of 1994, when it happened to the Democrats… and it presaged their loss in November. It should never happen. To have it happen twice is a dangerous event for the Republicans.



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