Who Are You? - Who-Who Hoo Hoo
(Apologies, Pete T.)
I suspect this little fellow was at least as surprised to see me as I was him, although truth be told we'd met before. I had to be informed that this is a Barred Owl, given my status as merely a birder-wannabee. But it is a huge thrill for anyone to encounter a creature like this at any time, never mind within the limits of a major metropolis. Now if only Picasa and Blogger would cooperate to the point where we could flow words around pic, or save partial post as a draft. Wild and whacky concepts I know, but I'd think the geniuses behind those pieces of software would acknowedge those are what you might call basic features. Frankly I suspect AOL's clunky infrastructure might have more than a little to do with it also. As I experience it right now, posting pictures with the "help" of these three pals is way less than satisfying.
I suspect this little fellow was at least as surprised to see me as I was him, although truth be told we'd met before. I had to be informed that this is a Barred Owl, given my status as merely a birder-wannabee. But it is a huge thrill for anyone to encounter a creature like this at any time, never mind within the limits of a major metropolis. Now if only Picasa and Blogger would cooperate to the point where we could flow words around pic, or save partial post as a draft. Wild and whacky concepts I know, but I'd think the geniuses behind those pieces of software would acknowedge those are what you might call basic features. Frankly I suspect AOL's clunky infrastructure might have more than a little to do with it also. As I experience it right now, posting pictures with the "help" of these three pals is way less than satisfying.

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