Thursday, August 07, 2008

In Form and Moving How Express and Admirable - In Action How Like An Angel, In Apprehension, How Like a God

I have of late but wherefore I know not lost all my mirth.

OK, maybe not all!

I'm riffing off the Hair soundtrack, in case you are not Bard and/or Rado/Ragni-certified, but original inspiration is the Olympics. They come around just infrequently enough that I tend to forget just how absorbing and life-disrupting they can be. The Tour de F is one thing, this is another. The remarkable extremes of human accomplishment never cease to thrill and amaze me.

But I find it deeply disturbing to have the (dying) bush story line intersecting this major event involving thousands of folks who walk the walk and are accountable and hence are totally unlike our president. It is far beyond ironic that he is the first US president to attend The Games. He's there pretending at joe six-pack and jockishness, but with all the baggage he brings there is the totally pathetic possibility that this sniveling loser could be a major distraction from the games themselves. Shit on a shingle.

We have in the past found that the Canadian channel coverage is often far preferable to the US networks, being far less prone to inane "patriotic" focus only on US athletes and hence tending to actually cover the events. Imagine that!

If you too are an Olympics fan, I have no doubt that you will appreciate this.


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