Friday, September 18, 2009

Quest On

It's intense for me these days. At work, I am trying to withstand multiple death-by-a-thousand-cuts relating to sampling events that all involve the same limited staff and want to occupy the same tight time-frame. Everyone wants me to quote them a firm date, but none will commit to their end of the bargain. This isn't a Deal, this is Larceny. A multi-dimensional game of chicken. Oh yeah, nothing I'd love more than changing that acronym after your name in a document backwater at the last minute. Why not?

[G. Brown: "Stuff with no knowledge just won't get you there."]

Dad was scheduled for removal of his cancerous bladder last Monday. The plan was to remove also-cancerous (but long-controlled) prostate. But the bladder-cancer proved on inspection to have spread so much that removal was not practical. We are moving on to radio- and chemo-therapy. And, naturally, some tears and (thanks so much, Mary!) talk about what will and will not be done.

Dad was looking and acting a lot more cheery when I saw him today, on the brink of having an appetite that might handle solid food. We talked about a multitude of subjects, including our mutual involvement in mountain-climbing course way back when, serpentine and other sub-mafic rocks, as has always been the case in the past, given our mutual never-satisfied curiosity on so many topics, and I hope and expect we will be doing more of that soon.


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