Tuesday, May 04, 2010

It Was Forty Years Ago Today

"Tricky Dick had it going his way"  (just to finish bowdlerized rhyme-scheme)

Where were you on May 4, 1970?  It was a somewhat momentous day in American history.  Shortly thereafter, many of my cohort found ourselves concluding that our higher education should take a backseat to actions that might help to halt the Viet Nam war.

The ridiculous actions by the Ohio governor and resulting maybe-inevitable panicky murders by the Ohio National Guard at Kent State were the trigger for domestic demonstrations on a grand scale.  The unrest that had been festering in the country for several years took flame.  You'll find that classic Pulitzer-winning image of 14-year-old runaway at the first link.

I eventually managed transit down to DC, joining the general melee and eventually getting an inadvertent taste of teargas.  I guess I got my number counted or something.  I was not then or now prone to political demonstrations, though I strongly support (and even admire) those so-inclined.  I am more politically motivated and attuned now than I was then, for that matter.  Or I want to think so.


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