Blogger Goes NSA?
I'm fighting through the muck here, required by the Blogger folks (are you there as you claimed when I appealed my "sentence", supposedly checking my p's and q's with the idea that my "spam" rating might be reviewed?) as a scum-bag suspected spam-blogger to submit to equivalent of strip-search every time I save or post. It's quite apparent now that the post I lost the other night, probably my most time-intensive post ever, was deep-sixed solely because I did not realize (and had not been informed) that I was subject to some new draconian crappola rules involving this sexy little business of entering a secret code.
Go figure.
Go figure.
Hi, i am a Spam-Blogger, collecting Spam since 1899!
Please, if you have some Spam and i dont have it, please come to my Blog and drop it off, i'd appreciate it very much!
Thank you!
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