Sunday, September 03, 2006

Why Are WA Post and ABC Still Doing Republican Propaganda?

The admirable Michigan Congressman John Conyers has been doing heroic work for so long I'm concerned he might be taken for granted. Let's please not do that. Think of all the garden slugs swilling down congressional salaries and playing full-out bootlicker (being polite) for the last five years. If only a bit of stale beer in a container could take care of a decent number of them! (It wouldn't take a complicated container, from what I can tell.) This is from his blog, which you should have bookmarked and be routinely monitoring:

I couldn't let this pass. The Washington Post's editorial page yesterday made the outrageous claim that Ambassador Joe Wilson never provided the White House with information to debunk the Administration's fabricated Niger-Iraq uranium connection, and that Wilson, himself, was responsible for the outing of his wife.

[I]t now appears that the person most responsible for the end of Ms. Plame's CIA career is Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson chose to go public with an explosive charge, claiming -- falsely, as it turned out -- that he had debunked reports of Iraqi uranium-shopping in Niger and that his report had circulated to senior administration officials.
I just don't see how any reputable news source could make this claim. This is nothing short of Republican Party propaganda. And patently false.

In the spirit of politicizing the news comes the latest from ABC, the network that will be airing a right-wing produced 9/11 TV docudrama that purports to be based upon the 911 Commission, reportedly exonerates Bush of any failings related to that fateful day, and puts the blame on Clinton and his administration.

While I have yet to see the film, few doubts are evident about its content and its political motive. The film's producer has been promoting this all over the right wing blogs.


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